Carla Mobile App
UX | Mobile Design | Web Design
Carla was an app that some friends of mine and myself created that connects you to your car and provides you with detailed car diagnostics and monitoring of your vehicle. This was when the ODB port devices were first coming and out we started to create this little app just for fun - and then we were commissioned by Mojio to deliver it.
Vehicle Diagnostics
Is your vehicle running poorly? Is your check engine light on? Carla can determine what the problem is so that you can safely get back on the road.
Using a Mojio device plugged into your ODB port, Carla can show you the information that mechanics use to diagnose your car.
Easily find out if the problem is minor, just a warning, or something major needs to be repaired. All without paying for expensive mechanics.
Vehicle Info & Stats
From the Mojio, Carla can get stats and information about your car. Carla then shows you detailed information, making it easy for you to review and analyze things like "How many miles did I travel last week?" or "How much money did I spend on fuel on my last trip?"
Carla also provides you detailed information like warranties and your car's available equipment via your car's VIN number.
Trip Review & Expense Reporting
Mojio uses a 3G + GPS signal to log and display the details of each trip you make. You will Get detailed information about your miles-per-gallon, the cost of your trip, and how many miles you travelled.
With Carla, you can track your daily mileage and export your trip information as Adobe pdf or export it directly to your expense software!
If you have Concur Expense, you can export your trip information with costs directly into your reports.
It's that easy!